
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Multidisciplinary of Human Computer Interaction

Multidisciplinary of HCI- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary field which combines the theories and practices from a number of fields including computer science, cognitive and behavioral psychology, anthropology, sociology, ergonomics, industrial design It can enhance the product's impact and maximise the contributions of each discipline. With the help of design systems, multidisciplinary teams can share and develop their skills and abilities. A multidisciplinary team (MDT) should consist of psychiatrists, clinical nurse specialists/community mental health nurses, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, medical secretaries, and sometimes other disciplines such as counsellors, drama therapists, art therapists, advocacy workers, care workers Website link : .  Twitter : #usability #safety #funtionality

Types of Human Computer Interaction

  In HCI textbooks, such as Shneiderman (1997) and Preece et al. (1994), the types of interaction styles mentioned are usually, Types: 1.Graphical User Interface (GUI) A type of interface that allows users to interact with a system through graphical icons. 3.Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) ... 4.Human-Computer Interface. ... 5.Menu Driven Interface. ... 6.Voice Driven Interface. ... 7.Command Line Interface (CLI) ... 8.Touch Sensitive Interface. # usability # safety  #functionality website link: twitter : Instagram :

Human -Computer Interaction

  Human-computer interaction (HCI) is defined as the field of study that focuses on optimizing how users and computers interact by designing interactive computer interfaces that satisfy users' needs. Human–computer interaction is research in the design and the use of computer technology, which focuses on the interfaces between people and computers. HCI researchers observe the ways humans interact with computers and design technologies that allow humans to interact with computers in novel ways Human computer interaction examples include: Interaction with a mobile app. Browsing a website from your desktop computer. Using internet of things website link: Instagram : twitter :

ChatGPT frenzy sweeps China as firms scramble for home-grown options

  Microsoft-backed OpenAI has kept its hit ChatGPT app off-limits to users in China but the app is attracting huge interest in the country, with firms rushing to integrate the technology into their products and launch rival solutions. While residents in the country are unable to create OpenAI accounts to access the artificial intelligence-powered (AI) chatbot, virtual private networks (VPN) and foreign phone numbers are helping some bypass those restrictions. At the same time, the OpenAI models behind the ChatGPT programme, which can write essays, recipes and complex computer code, are relatively accessible in China and increasingly being incorporated into Chinese consumer technology applications from social networks to online shopping. website link : twitter : #usability #safety #funtionality